Poetry with light

About me - Michiel Borgart photographer Forever Images.

Hello, my name is Michiel Borgart and I am a passionate and professional photographer. I have years of experience photographing Dutch and international models and misses and working with Dutch and international fashion designers and artists. Besides high end fashion photography, I also love portrait photography and wedding photography. My specialty is black and white photography. And I particularly love low key B&W photos. Read what others like to say about me and my work.


The objective of my photography is to hand you the means to re-experience a moment or feeling, to enable you to relive it later in time or share it with others. This can be an experience of a beautiful day or location, great performance, impressive event or a start or ending of a important period of your life. The art in my work is to describe something elusive using light in such a way that it invites you to keep looking at it. Working in close harmony with the persons I am photographing is very fulfilling, as it creates the most amazing images. I like to photograph people. Outside, during the day or in the evening, in nature or in the city. This can be a portrait shoot, fashion shoot or wedding shoot. The challenge outside is that there a plenty of things that I don’t have any control over. We have to create amazing images with what we are offered during the shoot. For the more controlled photography, I use my photo studio. With different light sources and backgrounds, I can create images that are soft and subtle to strong and contrasting. Whether it is a business profile photo, a personal portrait photo or a photo of your children. I always take the time to "find" the image we are looking for.

Poetry with light

The uniqueness of my work and the fact that it’s clearly recognizable as my work, makes that I consider it to be art and not just a visual registration of something that is visible. I capture abstract concepts in an artistic way. Abstraction concepts like feelings, ideas and stories. And I capture all this with light. For me this is delightfully described with the expression "poetry with light. That’s why I use "Poetry with light" as a tagline or subtitle in my marketing and media expressions.


Are you inspired by what you see or read on my site? Then please share your thoughts with me. I would really appreciate that. You can send me an app on +31 (0)6 1151 3441, an [email protected] or use the contact form. Love to hear from you!

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Warm regards,

Black and White, B&W Photography

In my eyes one of the most beautiful forms of photography is black and white photography. It offers truly wonderful possibilities to reveal subtle aspects of a photo. I think black and white photos (B&W photos) are a very pure form of photos that can bring the essence to light in a very special manner. I always love to search for the black and white pearls of a shoot. It sometimes surprises me to see what I have photographed when I convert a photo into black and white. Sometimes when I strip a photo of all its color, the characteristics of deeper layers emerge that would otherwise remain hidden.

Low Key Photography

And check out my low key photos. A low key photo, also called a film noir photo, is an overall dark photo with some parts highlighted. They are high contrast photos. The dark parts can be black, other dark tones or shadows. Low key photography is often combined with black and white photography. But al low key photo can perfectly by a color photo. Low key photography is an art form in itself within photography. It’s an art of balancing between dark and light and capturing complexity with simplicity.

Fashion Photography in Amsterdam

Of course we can do our shoots about anywhere. Whether it's portrait, fashion or wedding photography. But Fashion photography in Amsterdam will always be special. It's the fashion capital of The Netherlands and that will always be felt during a shoot. Just awesome!


Besides loving to shoot myself I also enjoy sharing my passion, experience and knowledge with others. During a workshop I love to help others to get to know their camera and to play with the possibilities it offers. It is great so see how surprisingly easy it is to create completely different photos with your own camera. The workshop can also be great for teambuilding, a bachelor party or birthday present for someone who already has everything. It is fun and creative and who doesn’t enjoy learning something new?

Photo Editing

The post-processing of the photos gets the time it deserves. The post-processing can completely change the character of the photo. I regularly do a shoot or take a photo with a specific end result in mind. The post-processing is often an important part of the creative process. By making subtle adjustments to the photo I can extract the image I had in mind. What I love to create are Black and White photos (B&W photos). They can capture the essence of the image and guide the viewer in a special way on their journey through the photo. The deliberate underexposure of a B&W photo, also known as low key photos or film noir photos, can enhance the effect of the photo even further. It’s a fine balance between drawing enough attention without exaggerating.

Photo Studio The Hague

My photo studio is located in The Hague. Easy to reach from the A4 and A12s and parking right in front of the building. It is also easy to reach with public transport.

Products and Services

As a photographer I offer several products and services. For example, you can come to my photo studio in The Hague, for a photo shoot or we can do a shoot on location. Many things are possible. Every shoot is tailor-made. If you let me know what you’re looking for, I’ll come up with a proposal. I look forward to hear about your wishes and discuss the possibilities together. If you want more information about the possibilities, please continue reading. In addition to explaining which products and services I offer, I would like to be open and transparent about my prices. I think it is important that you understand why the prices are what they are and I trust that you agree with me on that they are fair. As a bonus, if you allow me to use your photos for marketing purposes, I’ll give you your own Forever Images Photo App (FIApp).


Beautiful prints of your photos can be very impressive. Whether it is a photo print or a print on Brushed Aluminium, canvas, or a Acrylic Print, the result can be amazing. For this printing service I work with special files from your photos which I send to the supplier. These files are optimized for the specific printing technique and the material used for your print. I only provide this service for photos I made.

Reviews and Recommendations

I always feel honored when people come to me for their photos and trust me with their time. And when they show me their gratitude by recommending me as a photographer, it makes me both proud and humble. Here you can read the reviews, recommendations and reactions people have given me. I hope this helps in getting an impression of me, my work and how I work. If it inspirers you, please let me know.

TFP (Time for Print / Time for Portfolio)

A couple of times a year I like to do a shoot based on TFP (Time for Print / Time for Portfolio). In this way I would like to meet other creative (starting) professionals that I would otherwise never have met. If you are you an experienced or starting fashion designer, model, makeup artist, MUA, MUAH or stylist, feel free to contact me.

Book & Contact

Book your shoot

Let me know what your wishes and ideas are about your shoot and I will let you know what the possibilities are. The best way to reach me is by sending an email to [email protected], app me on +31 (0)6 1151 3441 or filling in this contact form. If you want me to give you a call, you can leave your phone number in the message.

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Contact details

Forever Images
François Valentijnstraat 346
2595 WJ The Hague
The Netherlands

[email protected]
+31 (0)6 1151 3441

My photo studio is located in The Hague. Easy to reach from the A12 and A4 and parking right in front of the building. It is also easy to reach with public transport.